Community maintained Paperback extension repository
A guide is available to learn everything about extensions repositories.
Check it here to learn how to add and use this repository in Paperback.
On a Paperback installed device, press Add to Paperback or use the base URL to add this repository to the app.
Base URL:
Available Sources:
- ComicKibaNotifications
- Hentai20Notifications18+Cloudflare
- HiperDexNotifications18+Cloudflare
- LeviatanScansNotifications
- MacBoldNotifications
- MadaraDexNotifications18+
- MangaBobNotifications
- MangaTXNotifications
- ManhuaPlusNotifications
- ManhuausNotifications
- SKScansNotifications
- ToonilyNotifications18+Cloudflare
- WickedDragon ScansNotifications
- WebtoonXYZNotificationsCloudflare
- XuNScansNotifications